Achieving measurable improvement in students’ test scores is one of the ultimate — and always challenging — goals of almost any teacher professional learning program, and it’s one that WestEd’s Making Sense of SCIENCE (MSS) has achieved repeatedly. Most recently, it did so in a randomized controlled trial that used state standardized tests to demonstrate student gains. Read the latest R&D Alert article to learn about MSS and how its influence moves from teacher to classroom to student.
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WestEd is the proud new home for STEMworks, a searchable online honor roll of high-quality STEM education programs. STEMworks helps companies, states, and individuals invest in their communities by evaluating and cataloging programs that broaden the base of students who are inspired by and do well in STEM.
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The California School Dashboard provides educators with data about how schools and districts are performing to identify strengths and weaknesses, and highlights performance gaps among student groups. This two-hour webinar will examine how utilizing California School Dashboard data (in addition to other data) can be part of a systemic plan to improve academic outcomes for students with disabilities.

How are new college- and career-readiness standards influencing educators’ work? This new brief summarizes findings from recent surveys of California teachers and offers lessons learned from WestEd’s ongoing research and technical assistance initiatives.
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When it comes to transforming science learning in ways envisioned by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), leaders play an essential role that up until now has not been clearly defined. This new framework provides insight into the full array of what leaders need to know — and be able to do — to lead NGSS implementation.
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This new resource describes some of the ways in which educators are developing and using new virtual technology to assess student work. In a key chapter, Edys Quellmalz and Matt Silberglitt of WestEd’s SimScientists discuss simulation-based assessments designed to supplement middle school science curriculum.

WestEd’s Trauma-Informed Practices in Early Childhood Education (TIP-ECE) supports early childhood teachers, providers, caregivers, administrators, and infrastructure staff to become informed about trauma and its effects; sensitive to those effects; and equipped with skills and knowledge that promote caring and responsive programs for children, from prenatal through 8 years old, who are affected by trauma in any form.
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HEALTH, SAFETY, & WELL-BEING School Climate and Wellness: Toward Happier and Healthier School Communities Webinar Series
This webinar series aims to help school leaders plan and implement policies and practices that improve school climate, engage students and staff, and support the needs of all members of the school community.
Register for the last two webinars in the series:
AGENCY NEWS Website Updates for Reading Apprenticeship and Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL)
Check out the website makeovers of two key WestEd initiatives that focus on literacy and English language learners.
AGENCY NEWS Join WestEd at Regional and National Conferences
Attend sessions and workshops from our staff, and visit us in the exhibit area to learn about WestEd’s research, resources, and services.
2017 Top 10 Best Sellers and Downloads: English Learners, Literacy, Early Childhood, Formative Assessment
Check out WestEd’s 2017 best sellers and top downloads. You’ll find a range of resources designed to help all learners succeed.
WestEd’s Justice & Prevention Research Center conducts rigorous research and evaluation to support positive youth development, school and community well-being, and prevention of risky behaviors, including violence.
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