How can rural communities engage their most disconnected older youth — those experiencing homelessness or coming out of foster care or juvenile detention — and help them build a positive future? A Nebraska initiative is tackling this issue head on, and a WestEd evaluation team is helping generate early lessons about the initiative's challenges and opportunities.
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Learn how to introduce students to their own reading and thinking processes; provide learning experiences that build resilience, stamina, confidence, and competence; and integrate literacy and subject-area learning, with a focus in this webinar on science.

Caring relationships are crucial for a child's early brain development and have a lasting impact on a child's future. J. Ronald Lally and Peter Mangione of WestEd's Center for Child & Family Studies explain why this is so in an article in the new collection, Spotlight on Young Children: Social and Emotional Development.

Join us for exciting professional learning opportunities in 2018! Whether you're learning to prevent burnout amongst educators, teaching complex disciplinary material to English learners, or putting a new twist on the classic properties of matter, WestEd services promote knowledge, skills, and strategies designed to help all learners succeed.

How can districts and schools engage all families, particularly those of underrepresented and underserved students? With practical planning and evaluation tools, this toolkit translates research into a continuous improvement process connecting family engagement to student outcomes.

The Assessment System Visualizer is an online interactive tool which creates data visualizations of assessment system information to help schools and districts illuminate patterns and make decisions about how to improve them.
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School and district administrators: Participate in our Academic Parent-Teacher Teams (APTT) professional learning and coaching where you'll learn how to develop systems and processes that make families true partners in their children's education and academic success.
The APTT model supplements and elevates the efforts of traditional parent conferences by expanding opportunities for families and teachers to collaborate.
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HEALTH, SAFETY, & WELL-BEING School Climate and Wellness Webinar Series
Discover how to plan and implement policies and practices designed to improve school climate, engage students and staff, and support the school community.
AGENCY NEWS Spotlight on the SREE Spring 2018 Conference
Neal Finkelstein, Co-Director of WestEd's Innovation Studies, is this year's Program Committee Chair for the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE) Conference. In this Q&A, he discusses this year's conference theme and shares key considerations for bridging education research to practice. Learn more.
Join WestEd at the following regional and national conferences:
Leading for Literacy provides schools and districts with guidance, tools, and examples to improve student reading in middle school through college. The book also guides teacher leaders, coaches, and administrators through the implementation process of the evidence-based Reading Apprenticeship framework.

The Center for the Future of Teaching & Learning advances teacher growth and innovation to improve student success. The Center supports teachers' skill, knowledge, and voice through research, technical assistance, and communications.
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