Video in the Middle offers middle-grade math teachers 40 free, standards-aligned online modules based on the latest research in mathematics education. Each two-hour module is designed around a lesson—such as Connecting Different Representations or Examining Slope and Y-Intercept—and features actual classroom video footage.
Experts at Carnegie Math Pathways at WestEd are studying the conditions needed for institutional leaders to effectively implement innovations at scale. In this blog post, they describe seven essential practices of successful change leaders.
Citizen Math offers standards-based math lessons that connect learning to real-world issues and prepare middle-grade students to be informed and thoughtful individuals. Join the Citizen Math Impact Study for free access and training.
Math curriculum developers, researchers, and practitioners are working to expand the evidence base on effective ways to support algebra readiness for Black and Latinx students and students affected by poverty.
In this Q&A, WestEd experts discuss a pre-K math tutoring program’s history and impact on students. They share critical takeaways for districts considering implementing high-dosage tutoring programs to support preschool children who are behind in their mathematical development.
WestEd's Pre-K Mathematics Workshops support early childhood educators to enhance the mathematical proficiency of young learners. Educators also learn how to work with families to promote home environments conducive to math learning.
This report offers guidance on implementing culturally responsive and sustaining education in mathematics. It makes the case for a research agenda that is practitioner-centered, student-centered, and focused on everyday dilemmas in classrooms and schools.
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